Main Page
Welcome to Make Nashville's now completely official Wiki!
Welcome to Make Nashville
The Make Nashville Wiki is a space where we are able to keep track of all of the different facets of our makerspace. It should be the first place that you go to answer questions about the space if a staff member or leader isn't around to ask.
Specifically, on this wiki, users can learn about all the tools and shops that we offer, policies, safety, shop etiquette, as well as where to look for classes and workshops.
620b Davidson St
Nashville, TN 37213
info [@]
The shops at Make Nashville exist because of the experience and interest of the membership of the organization. The requirement for starting a shop is based on having an active and interested person or team to run that area of the shop, that the shop fit into the organization's mission, and that the space exists to host the new shop.
The shops are run by shop captains.
Here is a map of the facility:
Here are all of the different areas in the shop and how they work.
- 3D Printing
- Automotive
- Ceramics
- Electronics
- Media Lab
- Metal Shop
- Print Lab
- Textiles Studio
- Wood Shop
Other resources:
Member Information
Workshops and Classes
We want members with good experience as well as others in our community to be building the knowledge and skills of the people we serve. We offer workshops and educational experiences for our members, for the general public, and as outreach to community groups.
Make Nashville Organizational Structure
The Make Nashville makerspace has 7 different departments under which the work of operating the makerspace and creating maker education and outreach program occurs.
At present, all leadership is volunteer. The goal by end of 2020 is to be hiring for key roles in the organization.
Board of Directors
External Web Resources
Make Nashville Official Website
Make Nashville's Amazon Wish List
Make Nashville's Liability Waiver
Make Nashville Operations Manual (Google Folder)
Corporate Sponsors
Our organization thrives because of the generous donations and support of our corporate sponsors. If you know of someone who would like to sponsor Make Nashville's programs or our shops, please have them contact the Executive Director or a member of the Board of Directors.